1 Failed to open database! 2 Failed to enumerate data sources! 3 Failed to set up database! 4 Softalk 3000 Workgroup does not exist! Get the system administrator to make one. 3001 Failed to load workgroup from the database! 3002 Failed to load users from the database! 3003 There are more active users than are allowed! Not all of the users have been loaded. 3004 You must supply a password of six characters or more! 3005 The keycode you have supplied is incorrect! 3006 Failed to load attachments from the database! 3007 Failed to add attachment to the database! 3008 Failed to load recipients from the database! 3009 Failed to add recipient to the database! 3010 Failed to load messages from the database! 3011 Failed to add message to the database! 3012 Failed to delete attachments from the database! 3013 Failed to delete recipients from the database! 3014 Failed to open workgroup table! 3015 Failed to open user table! 3016 Failed to open sent messages table! 3017 Failed to open recipients table! 3018 Failed to open received messages table! 3019 Failed to load received messages from the database! 3020 Failed to load received recipients from the database! 3021 Failed to open received recipients table! 3022 Failed to open attachments table! 3023 Failed to open recipients table! 3024 Failed to open messages table! 3025 Failed to save recipient '%1' to the database! 3026 Failed to add event log to the database! 3027 Failed to load event logs from the database! 3028 Failed to delete event logs from the database! 3029 Failed to load domain names from the database! 3030 Failed to add domain name to the database! 3031 Failed to save domain name '%1' to the database! 3032 Failed to delete domain name '%1' from the database! 3033 Failed to save the user '%1' to the database! 3034 Failed to add the user '%1' to the database! 3035 Failed to delete the user '%1' from the database! 3036 Failed to delete the message from the database! 3037 Failed to save attachment to file '%1'! 3038 Failed to load attachment from file '%1'! 3039 %1 cannot be sent to. The error given by the service provider is '%2'. 3040 %1 cannot be sent to. This may be a temporary problem. Try to resend the message later on. The error given by the service provider is '%2'. 3041 The error given by the service provider is '%1'. 3042 Recipient '%1' in message '%2' 3043 The message %1 3044 '%1', sent by '%2' 3045 %1 could not be sent to '%2'. 3046 Failed Mail 3047 System Administrator 3048 HELO %1 \n 3049 QUIT \n 3050 NOOP \n 3051 RSET \n 3052 RETR 3053 TURN \n 3054 MAIL FROM:<%1> \n 3055 To: %1 \n 3056 cc: %1 \n 3057 Bcc: %1 \n 3058 RCPT TO:<%1> \n 3059 From: %1 \n 3060 Sender: %1 \n 3061 Date: %1 \n 3062 Subject: %1 \n 3063 DATA \n 3064 LIST \n 3065 DELE 3066 USER 3067 PASS 3068 220 Softalk Internet service ready \n 3069 221 Internet Service closing transmission channel \n 3070 250 OK \n 3071 250 Softalk \n 3072 354 Start Mail Input \n 3073 450 Busy \n 3074 550 No such user here \n 3075 Content-type: application 3076 name="%1" 3077 Content-type: application/octet-stream 3078 Softalk-Boundary-part 3079 Content-Type: multipart/mixed 3080 Content-type: text/plain 3081 Content-Type 3082 charset=US-ASCII 3083 Content-Type: multipart/ 3084 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 3085 MIME-Version: 1.0 3086 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 3087 =%0x 3088 begin 600 3089 -- 3090 boundary=%1 3091 The computer is not receiving a response from the modem. \nCheck that the modem is plugged in, and if necessary, turn the modem off, and then turn it back on. 3092 ` \nend 3093 begin 3094 NAME=" 3095 Could not save the file '%1'! 3096 Could not load the file '%1'! 3097 Failed to connect to the dial-up service '%1'! 3098 Failed to get dial-up information for the service '%1'! 3099 Failed to get existing dial-up connections! 3100 Failed to hang up! 3101 Failed to open file '%1' for writing! 3102 Failed to close file '%1'! 3103 Failed to write to file '%1'! 3104 Failed to save password! 3105 The modem is being used by another Dial-Up Networking connection or another program. Disconnect the other connection or close the program and then try again again. 3106 Connecting to %1 3107 Failed to gain access to the POP3 server for hostname '%1'! Please check that you have entered a valid hostname and password. 3108 wiglog.txt 3109 Failed to connect to the SMTP server in order to send mail! The server may not be responding. 3110 Connection opened 3111 Connection closed 3112 Windows Sockets: not initialized! 3113 Windows Sockets: network down! 3114 Windows Sockets: address in use! 3115 Windows Sockets: fault! 3116 Windows Sockets: in progress! 3117 Windows Sockets: address family not supported! 3118 Windows Sockets: invalid! 3119 Windows Sockets: no buffers! 3120 Windows Sockets: not socket! 3121 Windows Sockets: no more file handles! 3122 Windows Sockets: port not supported! 3123 Windows Sockets: wrong port type! 3124 Windows Sockets: socket type not supported! 3125 Windows Sockets: unknown error! 3126 Failed to send the message '%1'! 3127 Failed to receive the message '%1'! 3128 Failed to load received attachment '%1'! 3129 Failed to load received message from the database! 3130 Failed to load sent messages from database! 3131 Failed to load messages from the database! 3132 POP3 socket forced state to idle and reset server 3133 POP3 socket forced state to reset 3134 Non-last line received 3135 POP3 deliberately not reconnecting - not in idle